1 Calling All Voices

An emergence story for these times … and all of time

Once upon a time I was working with an extraordinarily gifted woman and seer who had an image of me standing on the edge of a cliff. I was looking across a wide divide where I could not see my way to the other side, and a step forward would lead to certain death. But I was not alone. I had two allies supporting me: a skunk at my left foot who was creating a boundary so I would not step over the edge, and a hawk on my right shoulder.

As I stood there, I was blowing kisses to an unknown future. The hawk would follow the energy of those kisses, fly across the horizon, and return with what I was to know. Only then could I act.


This image has stayed with me for years. Now it speaks directly to me about:

  • The energy we bring to the unknown
  • The unseen allies who support us in an uncertain time
  • The importance of waiting and watching for the future to reveal itself
  • The need for action only when it is clear and true

Recently a colleague asked the question:  What do you know in your bones?

My answer was immediate:  That something wonderful is emerging and I just can’t see it yet.

In almost every conversation I have these days, there is a palpable sense that something is emerging that we cannot yet name, an energy that will take us to higher ground in our work and in our expression. Some feel a call to new expression. Others, whose work is demanding more of them, hear the call for less activity and more meaning. Fewer clients and more impact.

We are being called to new stories, for both ourselves and our world.

If you, too, believe something astonishing is emerging that has yet to find form, I invite you to join me and a small but mighty group of people who are deepening the conversation about these times and our contribution to the whole.

These conversations happen monthly in our Transformational Speaking Online community coaching calls where we’re discovering just how our personal stories and life experiences have prepared us to be part of the collective story that is emerging. And we’re devoted to that exploration so we can bring our gifts to a world that is calling for our Medicine.

There is something yet to be seen in all this disruption
as we give birth to a new story

Transformational Speaking Online

Join us as we dive deep into our
learnings, churnings and yearnings
and find new ground together!

  • Get out of jetlag and catch up to what your life wants to show you in this emergence
  • Identify, explore, and apply the learnings of this rare time in y/our history
  • Align with your HomeZone™ to connect with your truth and amplify your impact
  • Explore what may be calling you to a more authentic, aligned level of service
  • Build a strong foundation of embodied medicine, self-trust and personal power to go to the next level in your work and self-expression

If you have been waiting to come to the four-day live immersion, begin your Transformational Speaking adventure online now. You can then transfer your full online tuition to your registration for the full Immersion experience in Santa Fe in 2022.


My teacher Angeles Arrien always ended the stories she told with this: “And they lived well, and they died well.” Fall is the time of practicing honorable closure for that which is complete as well as honoring the ancestors who have gone before us. Those ancestors support us with the deep knowing in our bones of what it means to live well. May we listen for what our lives are asking and have the courage to believe in our dreams.

To Emergence, with Love!

It’s Holy Fools Day! Let’s Ditch Deadlines and Grab the Lifelines

I can’t let April 1 pass without greeting you! I know you’re out there and sensing at a deep level that–somehow, some way–we are in the awakening of a lifetime. And that we’re being asked to make history, not just watch it.

If you’re not yet familiar with Holy Fools Day, it was inspired by Joseph Campbell’s statement that the Holy Fool is the most dangerous person on earth and the most threatening to all hierarchical institutions. Holy Fools follow their own inner compass to do what needs to be done and do it, no matter what. Their actions make a difference in creating a more just and sustainable world in support of all of life. Since 2014, I’ve been hosting annual online events to shine light on the inspired action of Holy Fools in the Transformational Speaking community. (Meet them here.)

Now here we are at April 1, 2020, and I’m postponing the Holy Fools Challenge (and the grand prize that will thrill you … stay tuned.) Because the truth is, I am unable to whip up my annual Holy Fools fervor and face a deadline. My fierce and feisty oscillates to flat and feeble and–thankfully! sometimes!– back to festive. I’m deep in the Well of the JourneyWell® wheel as illustrated in my March 20 message to you about “A New Rhythm for New Times.” It’s time to grieve and withdraw for a bit to reflect on and integrate this non-negotiable life experience that has upended our lives. Continue reading

A Raucous Holy Fool’s Day to One and All!

April 1st

Holy Fool’s Day

April 1 is the day to find your voice, speak your truth, and shake things up.  Forget the pranks and silly antics of April Fool’s Day. Become a Holy Fool!

Each year I remind you that this is your day to speak out.  Here is last year’s post to inspire ideas for the outer expression of your inner Holy Fool.

Comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell talked about the archetype of the Holy Fool. The Fool is the most dangerous person on earth, Campbell explained, the most threatening to all hierarchical institutions.  He has no concern for naysayers, and no one has power over him (or her). She is not limited, not stoppable, nor controllable. She knows what she has to do and is doing it, no matter what. Continue reading

Calling All Voices: Four Questions to Reveal the Message Written in Your Soul

We are entering a time of shocking transformation. Life as we are living it is not sustainable and many are looking for a better story. The story that is pushing to emerge cannot be for the benefit of a few who have–so far– managed to insulate themselves from the harshness and apprehension that so many live with each day. The new story must be for the good of all life. We need only to look at the devastation in the Gulf of Mexico to recognize our inextricable connectedness with the natural world and to bring home the truth of Chief Seattle’s legendary words: “We did not weave the web of life. We are only a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves.” Continue reading

A Word From Our Clients

Description: Hear from Danielle LaPorte, Michael Hart, Jennifer Louden, Susan Hyatt, Dr. Diane Chung, Julie Daley and Dyana Valentine.

Gail’s Book & Audio Book!


"Perfect for anyone who cares deeply about their mission and wants to express it with depth, clarity and passion. Gail is incisive, fierce and compassionate." ."
Former Editor-in-Chief and CEO, Utne Magazine

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Transformational Speaking Immersion
Santa Fe, NM, USA

To get started right away, join our online academy.

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