Media Buzz

My fifteen  minutes of fame revisits occasionally. The first one was the biggest. It was 1981 when I was the first woman to be named the SBA Small Business Man of the Year.  The TV, the radio, the rapt attention was over the top. I was even followed for a week by a news reporter and camera for a feature on my life. Then-Governor Lamar Alexander hired me to represent him across Tennessee to build awareness through the media for a statewide small business conference. So for a while I thought this fanfare was normal and I was special until life intervened, as it invariably does. Then the fanfare became an occasional flourish.

But I got my feet wet early and learned that media interviews, at their best, are real conversations with the interviewer and actually fun and stimulating. (The video formats from those days are not only obsolete, they are ancient history so you won’t see them here.)

Since those heady early days, the buzz has come in spurts. When my book Transformational Speaking was published in 2009, my publisher did a great job setting me up for some tv appearances beginning in San Francisco. On the day I was to begin my book tour, I broke both my legs! That’s the kind of thing I mean when I say life intervenes. It took a while for my book to get legs when I didn’t have mine, and my interviews were mostly done over the phone.

Below are some recent interviews with links to a few of my favorites.

Bio & Photo

Gail Larsen’s work has been described by Fast Company as “transforming your relationship to your voice via the deepest stirrings of your soul.”  She takes what is often considered our greatest fear–public speaking–and helps us understand that fear is truly excitement without the breath. She delights in each person finding their own to speak from the truth of who they are and what they love to open hearts, inspire change, and move people to act.

Gail is the founder of Real Speaking® ( and the award-winning author of Transformational Speaking: If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story (Random House and Brilliance Audio). An SBA award-winning entrepreneur, her original  approach to communication draws from her own journey as a previously reluctant speaker, her respect for indigenous wisdom,  three+ decades in the world of speaking, and wide experience in business and association management. She is a former EVP of the worldwide National Speakers Association and has been on the faculty of Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY since 2008.  In 2014, she instigated the annual Holy Fools Day Extravaganza, an online event celebrating people who step outside convention to find their voices and become the radical change artists their souls are calling them to be. Gail offers Transformational Speaking to a global audience through both her Online Academy and live immersions in Santa Fe, NM.

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Spiritual Artist Podcast with Chris Miller: Defining Your Message With Gail Larsen’s Transformational Speaking

WOMEN OF GREEN with Carolyn Parrs


Wisdom Talk Show with Laurie Seymour: Step off the Cliff So You Can Fly! Conversation with Gail Larsen on the Power of Speaking What’s True

The Health Gig Podcast: Transforming Your Stories with Gail Larsen

The Transformational Author Experience with Christine Kloser: Conversation with Gail Larsen, author of Transformational Speaking

Leading Conversations with Cheryl Esposito: Gail Larsen – If You Want to Change the World …

Heartland Security ~ World Puja Network: Gail Larsen – Transformational Speaking: If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story

Get Inspired! Project Interview with Toni Reese

The Coaching Show with Christopher McAuliffe, MCC

Women on Air ~ Green Think Internet Radio: Gail Larsen – Transform Your Life through Speaking

The Coaching Show: How Coaches Can Build Their Business with Just the Right Clients through Public Speaking: Gail Larsen – Transformational Speaking for Coaches

Learn the Art of Transformational Speaking: Learn The Art of Transformational Speaking on Beyond 50 Radio Show


These are all PDF files.

Fast Company, Review of Transformational Speaking, November 13, 2009

The Vancouver Observer “Obama Makes Killer Speeches, So Can You” March 19, 2008

The New Mexican “Business Profile” January 30, 2007

The Albuquerque Journal “Midlife Mentor” April 28, 2006

Corporate & Incentive Travel “Putting it All Together” May 2004

The New Mexican  “Now You’re Talking” July 2, 2002

To contact Gail, email gail @, call 1-505-986-8650, or use our Contact form


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