The Four Questions You Must Ask Yourself to Ignite Your Holy Fool
Many of you are asking for the four questions from our Calling All Voices event. Yes! When you take the time to thoughtfully consider your answers, you’re on track to stewarding your strand in the web of life.

The new story we are creating together must be for the good of all life. The fourth principle of my book Transformational Speaking states, “You can’t figure it all out, you can’t make anything happen, and you can’t make anyone do anything. Every one of us holds a different strand of the web of life, and we each must heed our own call.”
Today I am asking you to heed your own call. With much of life as we’ve known it in breakdown and chaos, it is easy to become numb, overwhelmed, and continue our old conversations about all that is not working. Yet if each of us claims the strand of the web that is ours to tend and to mend, and ask others to do the same, we can individually and collectively begin a new conversation and live our way into the new story that is calling for our greatness.
We are all here at this time for a reason that is written deep within our souls and it is time to find and live our true callings. The questions we are asking in our national and global dialogue keep us stuck in an old paradigm of right/wrong, win/lose. The issues are complex and while we flail around looking for answers, I propose new questions. Here are four to support you in claiming your purpose and activating a new story:
- What delights you and brings you alive?
When you experience the vibration of joy in your very being, you’re on track to identifying your place of greatest contribution as well as attracting those who will join you. The poet David Whyte in his exquisite poem Sweet Darkness reminds us: “You must remember one thing. The world was made to be free in. Give up all other worlds except the one to which you belong. Anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you.”
- What breaks your heart?
Rumi said, “Break my heart, oh break it again, so I can love even more again.” What pain are you avoiding? We must be willing to feel our heartbreak and pain. Each time we avoid our descent into the well of grief, we lose a part of our voice. By allowing ourselves the healing of this natural process, our hearts can be broken open and our purpose revealed.
- What does healing look like?
The pain will push us until the vision pulls. In Proverbs we are told, “When there is no vision, the people perish.” To change the world, it is time to tell a better story. What is the inspiring new story you will tell to show us the way to a vision of what is possible?
- What one life-affirming action will you do beautifully and consistently, with love?
Rather than being hypnotized into a wait-and-see stupor, what will you commit to doing right now that supports the healing you envision? Your calling may come, for example, from your own hero’s journey with illness. Perhaps your way of contributing is through the courage you demonstrate to others as you live with uncertainty. Vote with your dollars and what you choose to support. Connect with those who appear different from you and find out how much you truly share. Speak up when you see injustice. Get politically active around the causes that call to your heart. Choose the organization you will support with money and time. Commit to showing up for what is yours to do to create the world you know is possible!
Whatever act you choose to do consistently and beautifully, with love, I challenge you to bring to the forefront the question asked by the Iroquois grandmothers. Does this support life? These revered elders viewed life as the entire interconnected web, and their decisions were based on what would serve seven future generations.
Calling All Voices! Let yours be heard as you cherish the strand in the web of life that is held in trust for you.
A Special Facebook Group for Calling All Voices
Have you identified your one life-affirming action you will take consistently with love?
Please do! It’s a big step to realizing the new story you hold in your Holy Fool heart! We’ve set up a facebook page so you can post what you’re doing to claim responsibility for your strand in the web of life.
Calling All Voices
The Four Questions You Must Ask Yourself to Ignite Your Holy Fool
Many of you are asking for the four questions from our Calling All Voices event. Yes! When you take the time to thoughtfully consider your answers, you’re on track to stewarding your strand in the web of life.
The new story we are creating together must be for the good of all life. The fourth principle of my book Transformational Speaking states, “You can’t figure it all out, you can’t make anything happen, and you can’t make anyone do anything. Every one of us holds a different strand of the web of life, and we each must heed our own call.”
Today I am asking you to heed your own call. With much of life as we’ve known it in breakdown and chaos, it is easy to become numb, overwhelmed, and continue our old conversations about all that is not working. Yet if each of us claims the strand of the web that is ours to tend and to mend, and ask others to do the same, we can individually and collectively begin a new conversation and live our way into the new story that is calling for our greatness.
We are all here at this time for a reason that is written deep within our souls and it is time to find and live our true callings. The questions we are asking in our national and global dialogue keep us stuck in an old paradigm of right/wrong, win/lose. The issues are complex and while we flail around looking for answers, I propose new questions. Here are four to support you in claiming your purpose and activating a new story:
When you experience the vibration of joy in your very being, you’re on track to identifying your place of greatest contribution as well as attracting those who will join you. The poet David Whyte in his exquisite poem Sweet Darkness reminds us: “You must remember one thing. The world was made to be free in. Give up all other worlds except the one to which you belong. Anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you.”
Rumi said, “Break my heart, oh break it again, so I can love even more again.” What pain are you avoiding? We must be willing to feel our heartbreak and pain. Each time we avoid our descent into the well of grief, we lose a part of our voice. By allowing ourselves the healing of this natural process, our hearts can be broken open and our purpose revealed.
The pain will push us until the vision pulls. In Proverbs we are told, “When there is no vision, the people perish.” To change the world, it is time to tell a better story. What is the inspiring new story you will tell to show us the way to a vision of what is possible?
Rather than being hypnotized into a wait-and-see stupor, what will you commit to doing right now that supports the healing you envision? Your calling may come, for example, from your own hero’s journey with illness. Perhaps your way of contributing is through the courage you demonstrate to others as you live with uncertainty. Vote with your dollars and what you choose to support. Connect with those who appear different from you and find out how much you truly share. Speak up when you see injustice. Get politically active around the causes that call to your heart. Choose the organization you will support with money and time. Commit to showing up for what is yours to do to create the world you know is possible!
Whatever act you choose to do consistently and beautifully, with love, I challenge you to bring to the forefront the question asked by the Iroquois grandmothers. Does this support life? These revered elders viewed life as the entire interconnected web, and their decisions were based on what would serve seven future generations.
Calling All Voices! Let yours be heard as you cherish the strand in the web of life that is held in trust for you.
Have you identified your one life-affirming action you will take consistently with love?
Please do! It’s a big step to realizing the new story you hold in your Holy Fool heart! We’ve set up a facebook page so you can post what you’re doing to claim responsibility for your strand in the web of life.