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Sense of Wonder

Sense of Wonder

This week I saw the inspiring film A Sense of Wonder made from interviews with Rachel Carson in the final year of her life, in 1964. As the government marine biologist spoke of the critical acclaim she received for her book Silent Spring, she said, “In some ways, the subject chooses the writer.”

Carson had made a seven-month commitment to write a book for which she received a publishing advance from Houghton Mifflin in 1958. It became the culmination of her life’s work when, two and a half years into her research, she realized she was just scratching the surface. When Silent Spring was published in 1962, the critics in the chemical industry were louder than the initial acclaim. (She noted there were few dissidents but they had a lot of money.) Her book catalyzed investigation into the destruction of life that comes from synthetic pesticides and catapulted environmental concerns to the forefront of public discourse, where they have remained ever since. Continue reading

The Bachelor, The Dumpee, and The Rest of the Story

Last week “The Bachelor,” a long-running television reality show where bachelors and bachelorettes alike meet eager singles in the hope of finding lasting romance, broke its psychological contract with its millions of viewers. The story line is that over several weeks the bachelor will winnow down the field of 25 eager young women, each week handing out roses to those he wishes to keep on board for glamorous dates in exotic locales, to one lucky “contestant” who will receive a marriage proposal. The show is an ego-enhancing exercise for the bachelor-in-season and a challenging competition for the ladies in waiting. On the last show, it came down to two women, only one of whom would receive “the final rose.” Yet the marriage proposal by Jason to Melissa was just the beginning of the off-television romance where the bloom wore off. As Paul Harvey, the beloved radio personality who passed last weekend, consistently reminded us, “Now, for the rest of the story.” Continue reading

2009: The Best Year Ever for Your Voice to be Heard (Free call on Jan. 13)

“Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.” – Hafiz

2009 is one of the best years possible to do the work of your heart. In “normal” times there is no urgency or need to go beyond what is known and accepted. In today’s more turbulent times, when you speak in your unique way about what you love, what you believe in, and what you offer, you touch an unnamed longing in people that wakes them up to the value of something that only you can provide. Your authentic and distinct voice can be heard as never before. Continue reading

Gifts that Keep on Giving: Your Story & Your Spare Parts!

Beth Jarman wrote to tell me about the holiday party she and her husband George Land are planning for their business partners from Mexico. “It is a great time, renewing connections and sharing stories. We have an annual white elephant gift which can only be something that has no redeeming value,” she says.

I started to wonder how many gifts we give without knowing we have outdone ourselves by presenting a white elephant. Continue reading

The Alchemy of Change: Applying Obama’s “Secret” to Your Speaking

The Alchemy of Change: Understanding the Obama Phenomenon – and applying it to your speaking success

The Democratic National Convention in 2004 marked the historic speech that brought first-term senator Barack Obama of Illinois to national attention. Four years later his name and image are center stage and his capacity to touch people through speaking has led him all the way to the Oval Office. Obama understands something few speakers grasp: good information and delivery is not enough to be great. The capacity to inspire is where real change originates.

Obama’s presidential campaign inspired a previously silent majority to vote, signaling that “politics as usual” was in for a wild ride. The early Iowa primary heralded the beginning of young people and independents deciding it was time to have a voice in the governance of the United States. As we witnessed this man’s compelling message telling us that nothing can stand in the way of millions of voices calling for change, his words rang true: “There is nothing false about hope.” Continue reading

My Experience with Book Publishing: It Takes a Village

Like many of you, I knew the time would come to write my book and 2007 was the year. And now Transformational Speaking: If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story has been published.

Go to “The Book” on this website to view the covers, contents, and acclaim – and, of course, to order!

How does one get from that initial nudge to the inspiration and perspiration to actually get it done? While each of us will take a different path and have our own experience, following is my expose` of the good, the unexpected, and the miraculous which I hope will serve you in your own publishing adventures. I’m writing it around the key questions I believe any of us needs to explore to move from machination to masterpiece. Continue reading

Do It Your Way: 12 Principles to Build Your Business With Speaking

The twelve principles below emerged from a teleclass I was asked to present for coaches who are part of a SIG (special interest group) for public speaking. These fundamentals apply to all who aspire to attract clients through their speaking.

Great speakers are: vulnerable, passionate, authentic, energetic, courageous, enthusiastic, insightful, reflective, humorous, simple, sincere, charismatic, real, engaging, and informative – as described by coaches in the teleclass!

As a coach, you support your clients in getting real – getting real about who they are, what makes their hearts sing, defining success on their own terms, and living the life they imagine. Why would you not approach your speaking in the same authentic, enlivening way? Continue reading

Body Rules! Extreme Cherishment of Your Precious, Worthy Self

“Take care of the children, for they have a long way to go.
Take care of the elders, for they have come a long way.
Take care of those in between, for they are doing the work.” – African Proverb

Yesterday I received a voice message from a friend and colleague whom I had asked if I might stay at her home during an upcoming conference. She expressed sheer delight that she had reached my message system instead of me so she didn’t have to have one more conversation. As for my request to stay at her home, she responded that she “could not get in touch with a yes” because she was in a place of “drastic over-interaction.” She explained that she needed to be fiercely protective of her time and space to be personally sustainable and suggested I come in a day early for the conference for quality time together and then book a room. Continue reading

7 Tips to Brand Yourself a Pro

There are “rules of the road” that are second nature to professional speakers. Observing these standards builds your reputation as a pro. Whether or not you receive a speaker’s fee to share your expertise, promote your business or cause, and/or talk about your book, follow these seven tips to brand yourself as a professional: Continue reading

Writing a Program Description That Sells

When its time to describe your carefully crafted speech or workshop, are you suddenly at a loss for words? Writing a program description that stands out – and attracts the people who will benefit from your wisdom – is an essential marketing skill for speakers.

To draw people to programs at their beautiful location on Cortes Island in British Columbia, Hollyhock Retreat Centre provides “Clarifying Questions” to their faculty. Once answered, a professional copywriter develops a program description for the catalog. Hollyhock asked me to describe my new “Spirited Speaking” program – including bio – in no more than 175 words! It seemed like a tough assignment, but the clarifying questions were invaluable in focusing my thinking. Continue reading

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