4 Ways to Work with Gail

Let’s stop watching the news

and make the news!

I invite you to join the unmistakable calling of our times

to bring your imagination and voice to a new story

that is being born in your heart!

Like many of us, I’ve been in a wait and watch mode since early March. I’ve sensed something is incubating that is not yet formed. With scheduled travel cancelled, it seemed like a good time to bring a new puppy into my life. What an adventure that has been–for both me and my 9-year old dog Paqo — who is sort of adjusting but remains less than thrilled!

Time for mom to get to work
In the last ten days, two things have moved me from that edge of waiting to see what is happening out there to responding to what is ready to shift within me.

One of the things that inspired that movement forward was Transformational Speaker Rebecca Campbell’s statement, It is possible to be sensitive and sovereign at the same time.” I heard that as a call to stand in my sufficiency to bring my medicine fully to the world.

Sensitive. Sovereign. Sufficient.

Great watchwords for what is being asked of us.

Then, in our Transformational Speaking Immersion a few weeks ago, I witnessed a big shift as each person looked ahead to a bold new story to meet these times. Those bold new stories spoke powerfully to understanding that many of the old structures we’ve lived by have run their course and that feminine principles will guide and sustain us as we create the new world that is on her way. That new world won’t be rushed but “if we listen carefully, we can hear her breathing.” (Arundhati Roy)

What new story is stirring within you? 

This is the time to raise our voices

in support of a world that works for all of life!

Here are 4 ways to work together to get out of the jet lag of your life and catch up to who you’ve become in the journey of 2020 that has rocked y/our world.  It’s time to give voice to the new story that is emerging!

1. Transformational Speaking Immersion: April 22-25, Santa Fe, NM

Transform your speaking with this unforgettable journey into the heart of who you are and what you have to say.

I cancelled classes from March until July, and now I’m BACK SAFELY working with an even smaller number –only 4 instead of our usual 6–to observe CDC physical distancing guidelines and New Mexico’s even more stringent directives. That allows extra coaching time for you to explore your individual journey and to discover your way bring your medicine to a world in chaos.

Learn more.

Click to hear Pamela Chaloult speak about her experience of the Transformational Speaking Immersion in September and the call of these times.
2. Transformational Speaking–Online!

An 8-month comprehensive learning adventure that brings the celebrated four-day Immersion directly to you. Includes community coaching calls with me to support you in staying on track, in community! Start anytime.

Learn more.

Click to hear Lizzie Moult who is current enrolled in Transformational Speaking Online

3. Private One-on-One Coaching

Whether you want to prepare a new talk, create an online book launch, or explore the new story and message that only you can express, you’ll be astounded at the value you will receive in just one hour!

<Learn More.


Click to hear Gregg Brown speak about his work with Gail through private coaching.

4. Transformational Speaking Foundation: January 15-17, 2021 on Zoom! 

The Victoria, BC, class for only 20 people we cancelled this year will now be held on Zoom so it can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Sponsored by Carolyne Taylor who has moved all her client gatherings to Zoom with impressive results.</p

Learn More


Click to hear Carolyne speak about the 2021 Foundations Class.
What I know from two decades of the work of Transformational Speaking, whether working with people exploring their voices or those already appearing on global platforms, is this:

Profound self-trust comes from knowing
your medicine and message.
Then you stand in the full embodiment
 of who you are here to be
and what you are here to say.

I’d love to support you in taking that next bold step into your new story! Here’s how:
  1. Email gail {at} realspeaking.com if you want to apply for the Immersion or talk by phone to decide the best way to work together.
  2. Please join our Facebook page Calling All Voices: Activating Your Holy Fool. That’s where I post the new stories that keep me inspired, and I invite you to do the same.

With big love for these big times,


“We have a chance to change the course of history. . . 

Years from now, this moment will have passed. 

And our children and our grandchildren will look in our eyes and ask us: Where were you when the stakes were so high? 

They will ask us, what was it like? 

And we will tell them. 

We will tell them, not just how we felt. 

We will tell them what we did.” 

-Kamala Harris

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Description: Hear from Danielle LaPorte, Michael Hart, Jennifer Louden, Susan Hyatt, Dr. Diane Chung, Julie Daley and Dyana Valentine.

Gail’s Book & Audio Book!


"I went to Transformational Speaking feeling there was a deeper, more important voice within me that had not yet found expression. I’ve found a vital piece of my jigsaw puzzle and now I know what I have to say and how to say it! Gail is a master."

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Transformational Speaking Immersion
Santa Fe, NM, USA

To get started right away, join our online academy.

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