Transformational Speaking in Vancouver

We have not scheduled a Vancouver class for 2014. 

“Transformational Speaking will transform your relationship to your voice via the deepest stirrings of your soul.”

Fast Company

  • Are you ready to stretch to the size of your calling and speak about the work you love with ease and command?
  • Are you ready to have your communications reflect the truth of who you are?
  • Do you want your real self to emerge in front of others so you can influence authentically?
  • Do you want to trust your ability to speak well in the moment?

Nothing is more fundamental to your success and sustainability than attracting clients and allies who affirm and support your true gifts. Yet until you find your way to tell your story with imagination and heart, your message will fall on deaf ears.

There’s a mystique about public speaking that convinces us there’s “a way” to do it.  Step aside from that myth and consider your way. Gail Larsen’s liberating approach takes you to the heart of what you want to say while learning to trust your inherent capacity to communicate with individuality and originality, whether you speak to large groups or one-to-one.

Join in this lively experiential program where you’ll dispel the myths and mystique of great speaking and bring your speaking alive. Explore how your story expands your capacity to speak out and be heard. Give voice to the core message that your life and your life alone has prepared you to tell. Emerge with a clear statement of your gifts and talents, what’s real in your life, and what’s next.

In this weekend training, you will:

  • Explore your Medicine and your Message, the two fundamentals that will simplify and amplify all of your business decisions
  • Recognize that the comfort zone you think you want pales in comparison to the Home Zone™, where your power as a speaker emerges
  • Understand the four levels of engagement and how your story can move others from resistance to resonance
  • Practice the 3 key presentation skills that will enliven your communications, on or off the speaking platform
  • Through brief coaching of each participant, observe the power of story to make the human connection that sets the stage for your message to be heard
  • Give voice to what’s real and what’s next

Gail’s workshops are lively, engaging, supportive, and fun, inviting you to enjoy the journey to calling forth your best. Please join us!


Transformational Speaking is only half right. It is really Transformational Living. Gail is the real thing, a master at seeing the truth and a deep believer in the beauty of the human process. I want to sing from the mount that everyone should come and be in this experience. It will make you a more powerful speaker, a better writer, teacher, and leader, and a more powerful lover of who you really are.”


I came to Transformational Speaking hoping to polish my skills and be better at ‘transforming’ and ‘inspiring’ my audiences. Much to my surprise, I was the one transformed, more connected to my own story, more clear on the unique perspective only I can bring to my audiences. This lets me tell a much richer, more compelling story from a place of personal strength and clarity…..Transformation is possible!”

-JIM SIBLEY, Director-Centre for Instructional Support
University of British Columbia

Gail Larsen is a Medicine woman. She healed me from the fear of speaking and helped me find my truth and my unique voice in the world. Her Transformational Speaking course made me a more courageous, joyful, and authentic storyteller.”

-ALLANAH MOONEY, Producer/Consultant, Lionheart Communications

The rave reviews turned my head, and I’m a convert. Wise and accessible, Gail will help you leap forward in your confidence and understanding with practical tools and a framework to support your unique voice.”

-JOEL SOLOMON, Renewal Partners, Vancouver, BC

I enrolled to explore my speaking abilities and got much, much more than that. Gail’s work is not just about transformational speaking. It’s about knowing oneself and one’s message, being true to those, and enacting them in one’s life and work. I recommend Gail’s workshops to anyone because the critical themes – what you are all about and how you convey that – apply to all of us no matter our age or stage in life.

–YVONNE TABIN, Associate Dean, Simon Fraser University

. . .  the most powerful speaking course I have ever taken because it is not about gimmicks; it is about being authentic and establishing a genuine connection with your audience. Gail operates with a steel fist in a velvet glove. Sign up. It will be the best money you ever spend on any kind of personal or professional development workshop.”

-BRIAN NATTRASS, Sustainability Partners, Gibson’s Landing, BC
Author and Strategic Advisor to several Fortune 500 Companies

. . I have been a lean, mean, medicine machine ever since your Vancouver workshop in 2011…developing my core message, my gifts and unique talents       sewing them like beautiful fairy lace into my daily work. I came hoping to suppress the very things I am now embracing; how shocking then to realize my playfulness was the very strength I was needing. My reclaimed authenticity and expression are resonating powerfully over the internet waves and I owe it all to you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

 –KAMILLA REID, Dream Stoker & Author
Joy En Route – Seven Weeks to Rocking Your Dream
and the bestselling children’s book series The Questory of Root Karbunkulus


Gail Larsen, Transformational Speaking in Vancouver

Gail Larsen

Gail is the founder of Real Speaking and the author of Transformational Speaking: If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story (Random House and Brilliance Audio). She is a former U.S. Small Business Administration Small Business Person of the Year and a former executive vice president of the worldwide National Speakers Association. She has seen and worked with the best of the best and has observed that great speaking is nothing so much as it is the courage to be real.

Gail teaches the heart and art of speaking through her Transformational Speaking Immersions in Santa Fe NM, committed to supporting you in discovering the speech you were born to give to the audience you are destined to serve. She also offers her programs at leading retreat centers, including Omega Institute.



Date: Friday, July 26 (7 -10 pm), Saturday, July 27 (9 am -5 pm), Sunday, July 28 (9 am-1 pm)
Location:  Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Simon Fraser University, 580 W Hastings Street
Class Size: Enrollment Limited to 20 to allow brief personal coaching for all

Tuition: $997 (USD).  Please register now as of July 17 there is only one remaining space.
Questions? Call Gail at 1-505-986-86501-505-986-8650


Book Review for Fast Company

Transformational Speaking in Vancouver, Transformational Speaking Book

Transformational Speaking Book

Do you have a message deep in your soul that you need help getting out into the world? Do you have a calling, a vision that you want to articulate with more power? Do you want to learn how to express your inner intents in ways that effectively communicate while at the same time motivating people to act? Then, I have the book for you: Transformational Speaking – If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story by Gail Larsen.

This is no ordinary book, but an alchemical read that will transform your relationship to your voice via the deepest stirrings of your soul. Larsen combines her personal insights – she is former Executive VP of the National Speakers Association – with a distinctly spiritual approach to help you explore and uncover your most compelling material. She also provides valuable guidance on execution. From her point of view technique is always second to the inner resource from which your authentic self emanates.

Gail said to me recently, “I worked to structure the book so it doesn’t begin with tools and techniques. Until we do the inner work, it is difficult to show up in a whole and confident way. Even though that work takes some time and investigation, I think it’s absolutely necessary if we’re going to bring the fullness of who we are to the speaking platform. So, I started the book by going to the heart of transformational speaking, which is literally in the heart.

“I found tremendous resource in indigenous teachings and I share these in the book. I find these concepts, like original medicine, so helpful to people. Once someone can put their words around their core impetus and stand in their power, they are less likely to shrink when they step up to the stage. I teach a creative process that allows what we care deeply about to come up naturally. Then it can surprise us! Material we have yet to make conscious is often the best we have to give. Great speaking to me doesn’t come from dictation from an old mindset. Instead it allows life to move through us, to speak not only from what we have prepared but also to trust what emerges in the moment.”

Gail highlights something that is rarely talked about – the inner resource that informs our words, our actions. Her book is less about technique and product. It is much more about learning how to tap into the inner source of creativity that gives expression through the spoken word. If you are looking for a journey that leads to better expression from the platform, or anywhere else you happen to be standing, this book is your ticket.


Reviewed by Seth Kahan, Change Leadership specialist. He has consulted with CEOs and executives in over 50 world-class organizations that include Shell, World Bank, Peace Corps, Marriott, Prudential, American Society of Association Executives, International Bridge Tunnel and Turnpike Association, Project Management Institute, and NASA. He is the founder of Seth Kahan’s CEO Leaders Forum, a year-long learning experience for CEOs in Washington, DC.

A Word From Our Clients

Description: Hear from Danielle LaPorte, Michael Hart, Jennifer Louden, Susan Hyatt, Dr. Diane Chung, Julie Daley and Dyana Valentine.

Gail’s Book & Audio Book!


"I went to Transformational Speaking feeling there was a deeper, more important voice within me that had not yet found expression. I’ve found a vital piece of my jigsaw puzzle and now I know what I have to say and how to say it! Gail is a master."

Our Next Available Program

Transformational Speaking Immersion
Santa Fe, NM, USA

To get started right away, join our online academy.

See Complete Calendar

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