Refund Policy
This is my client Susan Hyatt’s no refund policy which reinforces why we don’t make exceptions:
My refund policy . . .
… is very simple.
All of your payments — including your initial deposit — are non-refundable.
Why? Because I know, from personal experience, how easy it can be to second-guess your instincts and say, “Oh, no, I don’t reeeeally need to do this” or “Ugh, life is just so busy! Oops! Changed my mind!”
I’m putting my foot down and saying, “Nope. None of that.”
When you buy a ticket to a Beyoncé concert, and then decide you don’t feel like going, or it’s too far to drive, or you can’t find a babysitter, or whatever… what happens? You don’t go. You stay home. You miss out.
Are you going to write an email to Beyoncé and ask for a refund? Hell no.
Beyoncé ain’t refunding your money just because you decided not to show up, or mismanaged your schedule, or whatever. That was your choice.
This may sound like “tough love,” but that’s my policy, too.
Respect your time. Respect mine. Say “yes” to the experiences that you really want, in life — and show up.
And I’ll add: For those of us who run workshops and events, we commit real money to dates and space and other peoples’ support based on enrollments. Even if we fill your space, the cost to us is in time, expense of credit card processing, and energetic impact after we have held space for you, literally and spiritually. We show up for you bigtime, and barring death or disability, ask the same from you!