Transformational Listening

The Magic of Co-Creation

Join the 540 VibeTribe as we enter
the Cauldron and the Chalice!

Tuesday, Nov. 2 – Sunday, Nov. 7 2021




What is the 540 Vibe? It’s the vibration of Joy!  And it changes worlds!

You may recall this story. Early in my journey of teaching Transformational Speaking, I was showing up to speak and to teach wherever I could find an audience. Some of those engagements were enlivening; others had me wondering if I would ever find my people.  Then I read Power vs. Force by David Hawkins. And it changed everything!

Hawkins’ work consists of a scale of 1-1000 that measures the vibration of emotional states. Feelings of fear and depression, for example, hold a low vibration. But as we move up to positive states of being to the 540 vibration, we are radiating Joy. I learned that if I could hold that 540 Vibe, the exponential impact would move 90,000 people from a negative state, without ever having to talk to them to create change! With that inspiration, I identified those I most wanted to work with who were poised to bring their voices and visions to the world, ignored the rest, and in time built an incredibly fulfilling business serving friends and clients who support that 540 Vibe!  People such as YOU!

The 540 Vibe Tribe is a small but mighty group of Transformational Speakers, those I’ve recognized as “my people” through the learning adventure of our work together.  It’s turned out that when I love a VibeTriber, others in our group do as well! We meet monthly on Zoom to raise our vibe and connect. Opportunities for collaboration and co-creation emerge as we share our journeys and insights. With our calls and an annual retreat, our intention is to expand our capacity for Joy and to nurture that frequency to witness how it changes worlds. As VibeTriber Lee Irwin says:

What Happened in 2019 with our first VibeTribe Gathering

Fifteen Transformational Speaking grads gathered for the sheer joy of being together to see what might emerge.  We recognized that our words had taken us about as far as we could go in a divided world. It was time to explore going beyond words to, as Rumi exhorted,

“Speak a New Language so the World May be a New World”

We shared  a transformational experience that lives on in us to this day. The new program had no “sage from the stage” personalities but instead trusted the wisdom of the group to cultivate “The Magic of Co-Creation.” Our theme was “from the cauldron to the chalice,” and we brought in our big questions, for ourselves personally as well as the collective. We allowed those questions to churn in the cauldron, and over four days we transformed them into a chalice of offering for the world. To say we loved the experience, with the community and the profound personal breakthroughs, would still be insufficient to describe the high vibration of our gathering, a vibration which we took back to our lives.

For our 2021 gathering, we have two intentions

  • To expand the 540 Vibe Tribe with 8-10 new “partners in destiny.”  Our intention is to grow organically to assure intimacy and connection.
  • To accept the Cauldron and the Chalice equally, recognizing we don’t live in a world of either/or. Instead, we fully accept both the shadow and the light, the “what is” and the “what if?”


The invitation is to show up fully in your medicine to co-create an expansive experience of communion and community to:

  • Explore the power of the 540 vibration of JOY in transforming our big questions into new stories for ourselves and our world
  • Experience a homecoming to our bodies and the land to inform clarity and vision
  • Engage in daily qigong practice, circle, time in nature, ritual and ceremony to invoke the sacred into our journey together
  • Express your Medicine to ignite new possibilities and explore creative partnerships

Oh, what we can be and do together!

There are no speakers as teaching arises spontaneously as we set the context for shared experiences to invite our wisdom and our stories, beyond words. The full 540 Vibe Tribe, new members and those who have come earlier, are all holding space together for what wants to arise.

The outcome of our time together is a felt sense of a higher vibration that changes worlds! (Remember: when you hold the 540 Vibe, it raises 90,000 people who are at a negative vibration to a higher vibe!)

It has been foretold that 2021 is a time of Spirit coming to us rather than our having to reach high up.  Let’s count on it!!!!

Holding the space for our time together are:

          Gail           Vivi           YOU!

Gail Larsen

The feedback I get the most after years of teaching is about my capacity to “hold space” for what is right there, asking to be revealed. Sometimes it is you, awakening to your magnificence, and sometimes it is a magical synchronicity that changes worlds. I’m told I do this with wisdom, love, a wicked sense of humor, and no B.S. I suspect these are the greatest gifts I can bring to you and to the intention of our time together, along with my devotion to exploring a new story for these transformational times!

Vivienne Verdon-Roe
Energy Activist and Certified Qigong Teacher

In 2019, Vivi joined our circle to support us energetically and with a daily practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong. She also studied with my great teacher, Angeles Arrien!

At age 27 Vivi became an instant activist and later produced five documentary films about the nuclear arms race and peace, which won a total of 25 film awards, including an Academy Award. But with deteriorating health and chronic Lyme disease, by 2005 she could no longer work. Her healing continues through Wisdom Healing Qigong, and she believes her inner joy regardless of life’s circumstances is a by-product of the ultimate path of this amazing technology — which is waking up to the fullness and magnificence of what we truly are — beings of infinite possibilities and infinite love, who can co-create with the universe a healthy, caring world that works for everyone.


You are being asked to join the 540 Vibe Tribe because there is something only you can bring. You will be asked to show up as a fully empowered and contributing space holder in your own right, even as you witness within yourself those “edges and hedges” that can torpedo your magnificence. This is not a place to sit back and evaluate. It is an invitation to bring in your big questions with trust that something miraculous is underway because of your intention and full presence and participation. Hooray for you for showing up in this way!

And among our returning VibeTribers are:

Elizabeth Wangler, Jeff Benton, “Tree” Patricia Cinque, Lee Irwin, Janice Haynes, and Jennifer Schmid all supporting us in a healing and inspiring program that connects us to our hearts and each other!


The Chi Center in Galisteo, NM.  Galisteo is 65 miles from the Albuquerque airport, or about 75 minutes drive time.  You can also fly into Santa Fe (SAF) which has direct flights from Denver, Dallas, and Phoenix. Drive time is under an hour.

Read about my experience at the Chi center and why I’m so happy to be sharing this with you.

Date/Times for Travel Planning:

Plan to arrive in ABQ or SAF no later than 3 pm on Tuesday Nov 2, to get to Galisteo (we’ll hook you up by arrival times to share an Uber). Get settled in and ready for dinner at 6 pm.

Depart Sunday morning, Nov. 7, after our 8:30 am breakfast, or stay for a morning hike, circle, or practice, whatever we decide is most nourishing!  (Arrange for flights from ABQ or  SAF noon or later)

Transportation from Airports:

We’ll coordinate arrivals so you can share an Uber or Lyft to the Chi Center. You won’t need a car while there.


Right now, check in with yourself. Do you hold the intention and desire to show up fully and commit your energy to this co-creation?  If you’re in, please be ALL IN. Please email gail [at] with your intention.  

Program Registration:

Please understand this is a personal invitation for those who have become part of our VibeTribe.  The program registration is $997 and is is separate from housing and accommodations as noted below.

Our program time has been a moving target with the closing of the Chi Center due to Covid. Once the Chi Center reopens (the plan is July), we will send you a payment link for your program registration.  For now, we just need your assurance that you’re planning to be there!

Meals and Housing:

A separate fee of $975 covers all your meals and five nights of accommodations from arrival on Saturday afternoon to departure on Thursday after breakfast. We will bill you for your room request 30 days out. We will honor requests in order of registrations received.

There are two room types, all priced the same and first come/first served. Please note your preference when you register and if you have a roommate request.

(1) five “single “monk-type” rooms sharing 2 baths and steam shower (former spa area) – women only

(2) 8 shared double rooms with private bath (with 2 more in the main building sharing hallway bath)

Note:  We can provide a few private rooms with private baths at an additional fee of $250.  Let us know if you want this option.

Please understand this is a retreat center, not a resort! You’ll have amazing outdoor spaces for walks and reflection as well as the central meeting space (the Kiva), and dining room to journal, check email, etc.

Your yummy and healthy meals will be prepared by a wonderful chef who cares for all our wild and varied dietary requests with love, good humor, and aplomb.  You’ll receive a form to let us  know your dietary preferences and restrictions.

As speakers we give out, as seekers we take in . . . and in . . . and in.
But to walk our talk takes integration and embodiment of wisdom,
not more information.
May this time together remove the blocks to trusting and embodying our wisdom,
speaking our truth,
and showing up in joy for what our lives and our world are asking.



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A Word From Our Clients

Description: Hear from Danielle LaPorte, Michael Hart, Jennifer Louden, Susan Hyatt, Dr. Diane Chung, Julie Daley and Dyana Valentine.

Gail’s Book & Audio Book!


"I went to Transformational Speaking feeling there was a deeper, more important voice within me that had not yet found expression. I’ve found a vital piece of my jigsaw puzzle and now I know what I have to say and how to say it! Gail is a master."

Our Next Available Program

Transformational Speaking Immersion
Santa Fe, NM, USA

To get started right away, join our online academy.

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