Propelling Your Speaking Opportunities

I love teaching how to find and speak the transformational message that you and you alone are uniquely qualified to deliver.

And, once that amazing talk is ready to be spoken, the question often arises:

Where can I find my audience? How do I get paid to speak?

The answer to those questions is different for each person who asks. Many are called to speak because the invitations are already there. Others know speaking is a way to reach more people with an idea that can change the world-and in the process build relationships with those who will benefit from your books or services. Most would like to build revenue from speaking fees and wonder what it takes to get those profitable speaking engagements.

Whatever is calling you to speak,  join me online on December 8 to propel your speaking opportunities. I’ll be interviewing two specialists who work daily to bring speakers to the attention of the world. We’ll be sharing our wisdom on such questions as:

  • What does it take to be a highly paid, sought-after speaker?
  • If you’re just starting out, what tools do you need? 
  • What does it take to make a speaker irresistible? 
  • What are the hot topics in speaking today? Wellness, Wealth & Wisdom 
  • How do you know where you fit in the marketplace? 
  • What kind of engagements can you expect? 
  • How can you monetize non-paid engagements? 
  • How is technology making it easier to do back-of-the-room sales? 
  • How do you as the speaker, increase the ability to make the presentation draw a crowd?
  • How do you transition from early-stage to paid engagements? 
  • What kind of engagements can you expect? 
  • Who is booking speakers in today’s world? 
  • What should you know about speaker’s bureaus or representation services?
  • How can you make this easier on yourself when you are already over-burdened? 

This 60-minute online event will provide you with inside knowledge of the speaking industry. You’ll learn just what it takes to go from early-stage speaker to highly paid, sought-after speaker.

Gail Larsen is the founder of Real Speaking® ( and the award-winning author of Transformational Speaking: If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story (Random House and Brilliance Audio). Her work has been described by Fast Company as “transforming your relationship to your voice via the deepest stirrings of your soul.”  Gail delights in each person finding their distinctive and influential way to speak from the truth of who they are and what they care about to open hearts, inspire change, and move people to act. An SBA award-winning entrepreneur and catalyst for life-affirming ventures, her original approach to communication draws from her own journey as a previously reluctant speaker, her respect for indigenous wisdom, twenty-five years in the world of speaking, and wide experience in business and association management. She is a former EVP of the worldwide National Speakers Association and teaches annually at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. In 2014, she instigated the annual Holy Fools Day Extravaganza, an online event celebrating people who step outside convention to find their voices and become the radical charge artists their souls are calling them to be. Gail offers Transformational Speaking to a global audience through both her Online Academy and monthly live immersions in Santa Fe, NM.

gailkingsburyGail Kingsbury

Gail Kingsbury has played a central role in the US seminar industry since 1988 when she went to work for Brian Tracy. Her ability to plan and orchestrate the smooth operation of events with hundreds of attendees and dozens of speakers is now well known among some of the top seminar hosts in almost every field.  She has worked with A-listers like Brian, Tony Robbins, and Robert Allen and is a master at event marketing.  She has brought in past presidents, Olympic athletes, and business moguls to one-day events at stadiums around the country, filling them with 5,000 to 10,000 people.

In the mid 2000s, Gail teamed up with her friend T. Harv Eker to help him launch his first book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.  For the next five years, she handled every single speaker that was on a Peak’s stage and worked directly with Harv to help him create amazing events in the  seminar industry.  Since leaving Peak Potentials, she has done projects for Bill Phillips (author of Body for Life, Eating for Life, and Transformation) and many others – too numerous to mention.

Her contact list reads better than a who’s who directory, and her respect in the industry is unparalleled.

jackielapinJackie Lapin

Jackie Lapin is a leader in media relations for people, organizations and companies transforming humanity and the world. Her Conscious Group of Companies has served such luminaries and publishers as Don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Joe Vitale, James Twyman, Denise Linn, Lisa Garr, Hay House, Sounds True and more. Prior to focusing on the world of transformation, Jackie’s clients included Toyota, Avon, the NHL, Showtime, Mazda and The World Poker Tour. You’ve seen her handiwork on Dr. Oz, Good Morning America, 60 Minutes, and the front pages of the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and the Los Angeles Times.

Currently, her Conscious Media Relations offers mainstream and  transformational media publicity, book tours and her signature radio media tours reaching 3000 personal growth radio show. Also on the site are valuable do-it-yourself tools for authors and transformational marketers.  Mostly recently, she launched Conscious and Transformational Speakers, a unique speakers’ bureau championing transformational speakers, and Luminary Voices, a powerful online showcase for transformation speakers and performers. I was excited to learn about her new service because I know how hard it for new speakers to get expert support from someone who knows the ropes of getting those early speaking engagements. 

Gail Kingsbury serves as an advisor to Jackie’s Conscious and Transformational Speakers.

These remarkable women have knowledge of the speaking industry that will serve you well as you consider the next steps to expand your audience.

Join us for this stimulating and informative conversation. You’ll come away with ideas you can use right away to build your visibility and reach even more people with your world-changing ideas.

The cost of this online event is only $10 and of course it will be recorded and sent to you if you cannot attend.

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