Hire Gail As Your Speaker

“I wanted to work with Gail for years, and was finally able to bring her to work with my women’s leadership group. Wow, what a blessing! Gail was able to bring us each to clarity around our Original Message and core stories in the most easeful, natural, and artful way. Rather than forcing towards clarity, we allowed it to emerge. We felt rooted, authentic power and alignment because of our time with Gail, and are now well-positioned to support one another in embodying and expressing our gifts in the world!”

– NISHA MOODLEY, Women’s Leadership Coach

The way we gather in meetings is still largely geared toward the “sage on the stage” model. Insight and inspiration are necessary, but change comes from actually doing something with our new awareness  – such as asking people to risk presenting an idea that may still be percolating.

So imagine with me a new model – a wildly exciting session at your conference where everyone lights up and comes alive. Newcomers step forward and bring new voices and energy to your organization. You bask in the buzz as people connect with each other in meaningful ways around what really matters to them. At the same time, through an invitation to tell their stories, they are stepping up and learning to speak out to be heard.

Your evaluations say it all:

We engaged Gail Larsen to design the closing circle of our 25th anniversary conference in 2012. Her session was one of the most successful I’ve ever experienced. Gail is a captivating, inspiring speaker who ‘called all voices’ forward in both reflection and commitment. The level of engagement and positive feedback from our conference participants was exceptional.”

DEB NELSON, Executive Director
Social Venture Network

If this story of conference design speaks to you, let’s work together to support what already wants to happen. We are entering times of shocking transformation that call for imaginative ways of coming together. Each person sees the world in a way no one else does, and every voice is needed to craft our collective future.

I’m creating my own brand of participatory keynotes around my passion, Calling All Voices. Whether you want a plenary session or an experiential workshop, I present the sometimes serious work of change as stimulating, inspiring, and fun, with practical support for courageously showing up and telling a world-changing story.

My speaking brings to life Oscar Wilde’s brilliant exhortation, “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken” and a touch of Robin Williams perspective, “You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” In other words, creating the future together requires moving beyond the ordinary to the courageous self-expression that opens new possibilities and worlds.

Let’s talk!

With delight,


Speaking Topics for Experiential Workshops & Participatory Keynotes

  • Calling All Voices
  • If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story
  • Your Business, Your Story, Your Way
  • 6 Radical Truths to Transform Your Speaking
  • Be Yourself. Everyone Else is Taken!
  • Speaking Out for Change
  • Story Power: The No-Fail Strategy for Being Heard
  • Courageous Conversations: Your Truth Well Spoken
  • Journey Well: Living Life in the Home Zone™
  • Midlife as an Art Form: Restoring Magic to the Journey (with my alter ego Madame Ovary®)

To read about a meeting I had the joy of designing with a client for Quaker Foods, see the article I wrote for Corporate & Incentive Travel “Putting it All Together”. As one attendee said, “What we think we want is logic. What we need is magic.”


“It takes speakers with Gail’s dynamism to make such an extraordinary event.  She supported 54 nationalities from 45 countries in connecting and joining hands for a positive and more inclusive future. Gail is a wonderful speaker and an outstanding workshop leader and coach.  She ignites what is within you to make your real voice come out. ”
Global Leadership Forum, Geneva, Switzerland


“When asked what was most beneficial about SVI, a participant noted, ‘Gail Larsen was amazing. I would love to see more workshops led by people with that depth of experience.’ On a scale of 1 to 5, your workshop rated 4.88. Thank you!”
2010 Social Venture Institute


“Unequivocally and enthusiastically positive and glowing responses. The following are representative descriptors of your style: authentic, humorous, charming, grounded, intelligent and graceful. We were impressed by your ability to seamlessly intertwine quotes, poems and personal anecdotes to deliver an impactful and moving presentation.”
The Association for Women in Communications


“Your closing addresses at both our conferences had just the right tone for our audience, due in no small part to your extensive efforts to get to know them. You personalized the message very well, and your humor was great. You really lifted our spirits!”
O.R. Manager Annual Conference


“In a short period of time, Gail was able to help our participants access their real stories and give them the power to communicate those stories with depth, confidence and meaning. I was impressed with Gail’s natural ability to make people feel at ease and the unique talent she has creating a safe space for exploration and expression. I can’t wait to work with her again.”
Renewal Partners/Endswell Foundation


“ICF engaged Gail to help coaches understand how to use their speaking skills to communicate their business to increase their client base. Not only did she help those in the group who are already speakers, she modeled joy in being oneself, providing hope to those who have typically avoided speaking because of fear and ‘performance’ anxiety. She received rave reviews on all of our evaluation forms.”
International Coaches Federation


“In addition to bringing inspiring perspective and wisdom to overall cycles of change, Madame Ovary brings humor to hormones. Women, and the men who love them, struggle with this important stage in life. Gail Larsen makes it safe for us to talk openly and laugh freely about these issues.”
Business & Communications Strategist, Traditional Medicinals


“An outstanding kickoff event with a message for men and women alike: Enjoy life, live it to the fullest, keep your perspective, and be yourself. You brought in both new life and new business.”
President, New Mexico Bank & Trust


Rave Reviews

Call 1-505-986-8650 or email gail [at] realspeaking.com and let’s co-create your most magical event ever!

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Description: Hear from Danielle LaPorte, Michael Hart, Jennifer Louden, Susan Hyatt, Dr. Diane Chung, Julie Daley and Dyana Valentine.

Gail’s Book & Audio Book!


"Perfect for anyone who cares deeply about their mission and wants to express it with depth, clarity and passion. Gail is incisive, fierce and compassionate." ."
Former Editor-in-Chief and CEO, Utne Magazine

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Transformational Speaking Immersion
Santa Fe, NM, USA

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